Should I be present for the inspection?
Technical knowledge is very important, but accurate communication with the client is just as important. For that reason, the client is strongly encouraged to attend the inspection. No question is a foolish question.
Are Home Inspectors required to be licensed?
No, Michigan does not license or regulate Home Inspectors. Most home inspectors, when they say they are licensed, usually refer to having a Michigan Residential Builder’s License.
It is important to vet a home inspector to make sure that they have a least a Builder’s license, experience, and a professional association. A Michigan Builder’s license can be verified by visiting the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs at www.dleg.state.mi.us/verify.htm
Many home inspectors claim to inspect to the “Standard of Practice and Code of Ethics of the American Society of Home Inspectors.” This standard is available at www.ashi.org/documents/pdf/standars.pd Why not have an ASHI Certified Member, an experienced inspector that supports and maintains industry standards, perform the inspection?
At this time, Quality Home Inspection, Inc. does not perform lead, well, and septic inspections. These are all specialty areas that required a properly trained and equipped technician.